Below, we’ve included the correct URLs that will direct your search to several handy locations-just copy and paste them into your browser’s search engine list. Having different search engines working from within Chrome can save you lots of clicking and typing, especially if you consult the same websites time and again. Suggestions to make the most out of your search engines Here is how you can do those settings:- Once you open the New Tab check on your lower-right corner there should be an option to edit the New Tab once you find it click on it. If this is the case with the engine you want to add, copy and paste the URL into the pop-up window, and make sure you delete that 25 before you click Save. Make sure the Home Page toggle is turned on, then change the Open This Page site to . Method 1: Changing New Tab’s Settings There is a setting that you can change from your New Tab which hides the most visited sites from the New Tab. Click on Done to add the website to your thumbnails.

Enter the name that you want to give to the shortcut and enter the site’s address in the address bar. The same thing happens with YouTube (/results?search_query=%25s) and even Amazon (/s?k=%25s). Click on the Add Shortcut option in the thumbnails. For example, when searching for %s from the PopSci search bar, the resulting address is /search/ %25s. Be careful though: sometimes sites break down search terms and separate them in the URL using numbers. For the engine’s URL, you’ll need to go to the site you’re adding, type %s into the search bar, and hit enter-you want the address of the resulting page.